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Greeting For The day!

It gives us immerse pleasure to introduce website of Rotary Eye Hospital, Malegaon

As we all know, Eye is a Important organ of our body. Being a very delicate organ it is expose daily to many threats like sunlight, polluted air, water, injuries etc. Aging   also plays major role. Thus care of eyes is of almost importance. To protect eyes some preventive and curative actions must be taken and that too in time. This is especially true for public residing in rural adiwasi areas as well as a in urban slums. Here illiteracy and poverty are major factor in prohibiting public from getting proper eye care services. All these and other factors in protecting eyes are evident in developing country like India.

These are problems, but what about solutions? Yes there must be and there are solutions!

Rotary International is such organization where we can find solution to almost every problem.  Rotary Club of Malegaon, a 74 years old organization, found solution in terms of “B.S.Bhandari Rotary Eye Hospital” in 1977. Since then it is trying successfully to serve community in eye care, thanks to Sight Savers International (Former Royal Commonwealth Society of India), Ophthalmologist from Malegaon, Nasik, Aurangabad, Mumbai and Rotarians of Dist 3030 with all the staff of hospital.

This website will try to communicate with public regarding happenings in Rotary Eye Hospital and will educate them about care of eyes.

Yes, it is two-way communication. Please give feedback. You all are welcome!

Awaiting your response,

Rtn. Dr. Dilip Bhavsar

Trutee Secretary